What we do

Registration Authority

A Registration Authority (RA) is a component in a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that verifies and authenticates individuals or entities before they are issued digital certificates. The RA acts as a trusted intermediary, ensuring that certificate requests meet security policies and validating the identity of the certificate requester. Once verified, the RA forwards the approved requests to the Certificate Authority (CA) for the actual issuance of digital certificates. In short, a Registration Authority plays a crucial role in the initial verification step of the certificate issuance process within a PKI, enhancing the overall security and reliability of digital identities.

Registration Authority

Timestamping Authority

A Timestamping Authority (TSA) is a component in a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that provides trusted timestamps for digital documents or transactions. It assigns a digital timestamp to data, indicating the exact time of its existence or creation. This is crucial for ensuring the integrity and legal validity of digital information over time. A TSA helps establish when a document was signed or a transaction occurred, preventing tampering or disputes. In short, a Timestamping Authority adds a timestamp to digital data, enhancing its reliability and evidential value in legal and business contexts.

Timestamping Authority

Certificate Manager

A Certificate Manager is responsible for the centralized management, issuance, renewal, and revocation of digital certificates. It plays a critical role in ensuring the security of online transactions, data transfer, and communication by handling Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) operations.

Key Functions and Benefits are as follows.
Key Functions

A Certificate Manager performs key functions related to the management and administration of digital certificates within an organization's security infrastructure. It facilitates the issuance, renewal, and revocation of digital certificates, ensuring that entities such as servers, applications, and users have valid and secure credentials. The Certificate Manager also oversees private key management, enforcing security policies. The system provides reporting and auditing capabilities, offering insights into certificate usage and compliance with industry standards. Integration with various applications and services, coupled with scalability and high availability features, enhances the overall security posture and efficiency of the organization's digital certificate management.


A Certificate Manager offers numerous benefits to an organization's cybersecurity infrastructure. By centralizing and streamlining the management of digital certificates, it enhances security by ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data through secure encryption.

Certificate Manager

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Enhancing a workflow application to function as a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution involves integrating features that streamline and optimize customer interactions throughout the entire customer lifecycle. This improvement entails incorporating modules for contact and lead management, providing a centralized repository for customer information, communication history, and sales opportunities. By transforming the workflow application into a comprehensive CRM solution, businesses can strengthen customer relationships, enhance collaboration among teams, and achieve more efficient and targeted customer engagement.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Go Completely Paperless with
state-of-the-art SignMatrix Digital Platform

Speed up your business by automating your paper intensive processes. Forget printing, couriering or spending precious time signing and approving papers. Approve and Sign your documents digitally from Anywhere, at Anytime and on Any Device.

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Use Cases

Aspects Of Professional
Use Cases


All sensitive communication can be securely transferred in an encrypted manner across various digital channels.


All paper intensive processes can be digitized using PKI. Various audit logs for critical systems can be digitally signed and maintained to provide transparency.


Communication between the OEM's central hub and their electric and other smart vehicles can be secured with PKI solutions.


Having a private PKI can secure a financial institution's mission critical systems and processes.

There are many other uses of PKI solutions in day-to-day operations of any organization. For example, device authentication, cloud security, DevOps, password-less access, email security, MFA for VPN, wireless network authentication and many more..